Making a difference...

For a long time, I have felt that I should be giving something back to my community... although i have increasingly realized that i really don't feel a part of much of any community. Nevertheless... So what can i give back? What issues matter to me? How can I make a positive difference?

Some recent interests...
1. "open source" textbooks and courses
2. guerrilla public service
3. the hibert-esque notion of "being capable"
4. making education more available and getting away from a one size fits all approach
5. child abuse and children without homes or families
6. good government and government transparency
7. hands on science education
8. more rational medical care...
9. alternatives to socialism and all out free markets
10. Micro finance
11. a return to local economies and smaller companies (the "two big to fail" and monoculture problems) and how to make outsourcing less attractive
12. dealing with the boom bust cycle for non-profits
13. creating a less litigious more civil and socially responsible society